HDI Propoelix

60 Veggie Capsules
PROPOELIX is extracted using a unique proprietary technology to preserve raw propolis. The raw propolis used in PROPOELIX is a “superblend” of Poplar and Baccharis propolis originating from different geographical regions. It contains all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body and at least 16 essential amino acids to supercharge your immune system and prevent you from falling sick. Propoelix™ is able to increase vitamin C levels within cells, decrease breakage and leakage of small blood vessels, protect against free radical damage, and support joint structure. It supports the body’s natural ability to heal and fight infections.

  • Natural antibiotic
  • Immune system booster
  • Recommended for patients recovering from cancer
  • Dramatically increases platelet count in Dengue Fever patients
  • Boosts CD4 marker counts for HIV/Aids patients
  • Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal
  • Lowers cardiovascular disease risks

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